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November 2, 2018 - Prince George, British Columbia

Date: November 2, 2018
Location: Prince George, British Columbia

Total participants

1. John Gibson, Prince George Airport Authority 2. Daniel Weeks, UNBC
3. Robert van Adrichem, City of Prince George 4. Melissa Barcellos, City of Prince George
5. Alan Stroet, Innovation Central Society 6. Peter Newbery, Heart of the Hazeltons
7. Mina Lauden, BC Council of Forest Industries (by telephone) 8. Tara Szerencsi, College of New Caledonia
  WD staff
1. Gerry Salembier 2. Raveena Sidhu (called in 12:15-2:00)
3. Miriam Wilson (called in) 4. Adam Keating (called in)
5. Julien Braun (called in 11:30-1:00)    

Q1) What does a stronger western Canadian economy look like 10 years from now?

New technologies, big data, disruptive technologies are changing how we live.

Innovative mills, softwood lumber dispute. The mill north of Quesnel – the problem Americans have with competing with Canadian lumber isn't low stumpage fees, it's the technology that is amazing. But there aren't a lot of people working there (employment).

There is growing recognition that it doesn't make sense to squeeze more people into the Lower Mainland - it doesn't make sense to put more pressure on housing prices. How does that translate into attracting talent into PG and PR?

Improving access to talent and skilled workers.

Would infrastructure be prepared for people to stay? Health Care, airport.

Climate change and agriculture

T'Sou-ke First Nation Greenhouses - uneconomical tomato operation, now growing wasabi, very high value and light. Finding niche markets that you can directly and efficiently participate in.

Pessimism about the commodity cycle. The average American did much more poorly than they did out of previous recessions due to much more limited labour mobility. Could we see that in Canada?

Think more about what a regional economy looks like – Postsecondary skills training, collaboration

Theme #1: Innovation

Theme #2: Focusing on Vancouver/big city issues creates problems in the North and ignores opportunities

Theme #3: Skills shortage/training – A regional solution is needed

Q2) What are the best ways to spur new growth in western Canada

Entrepreneurship, exporting

Are regulations a holdback? Depends on the sector – clean tech not tight enough, life sciences prohibitive.

Theme #1: Promoting Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Theme #2: The Importance of Diversifying Export Markets and Developing Domestic Markets

Theme #3: Supporting SME Scale Up and Retaining them in Communities 

Q3) What will help the Indigenous economy continue to grow?

Mobility of labour (from Q2 discussion)

Theme #1: The need for place-based economies and longer time frames

Theme #2: Changes to the Indian Act are essential

Q4) How can we improve economic participation in the west of underrepresented groups, including women, youth, and new immigrants

Inclusion of Indigenous Peoples in forestry

There's a lot more work that needs to be done in this area. Connectivity initiatives are underway that will link dozens of First Nations Communities.

BCICEI – During creation of the advisory board, Miles Richardson questioned it immediately. If this is just the communities ascribing to predetermined criteria of the government, they didn't want anything to do with it. Needed to come up with a collaborative model.

Theme #1: Acknowledging the impact of extracting resources from Indigenous territories and ensuring equitable opportunity and impact

Theme #2: Governance, Ownership and Collaboration

Theme #3: Building Community and Recognition

Q5) How can governments, industry, and western Canadians work together to grow the regional economy?

WD resources and what they bring to the table

Interesting that the partnerships topic gets the least amount of attention in urban areas

Education institutions competing – incentives are the number of seats you are filling. The basic funding model doesn't address the issue.

Theme #1: Incentives that demonstrate a commitment to a regional solution

Theme #2: Education Incentives and Retaining Graduates In the Community

Theme #3: Promoting the Transportation Corridors

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